Jul 2024

PhD Dissertation Defense

Improving the potential of C. reinhardtii as a platform for specialty chemical production through integrated transformant screening and metabolic engineering strategies

Sergio Gutiérrez Zapata
24 Jul, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Microalgae, such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, offer a sustainable alternative to fermentative microbes for producing specialty chemicals, including terpenoids. These photosynthetic organisms can directly convert waste carbon dioxide (CO₂) into biomass and desired products using light energy, improving trophic efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of fermentation. Terpenoids are a diverse class of specialty chemicals with wide-ranging applications. Although some terpenoids can be synthesized chemically, most commercially available compounds are still derived from native plant sources, which can be unsustainable and problematic due to the slow growth of plants and their presence in ecologically sensitive areas.
This dissertation explores the biotechnological potential of C. reinhardtii to produce specialty terpenoids by addressing challenges in four main areas: gene delivery technologies, screening of transformants, metabolic engineering for sesquiterpenoid production, and the dynamics of soluble cytochromes P450s (CYPs) in the algal chloroplast for terpenoid functionalization. Advancements in gene delivery, fluorescent reporter screening, and the successful production of sesquiterpenoids typically obtained from an endangered tree are presented, along with the development of a bioprocess for compound extraction. The findings of this dissertation contribute to broader microalgal biotechnology applications, demonstrating the feasibility of using this model alga for terpenoid production. The integration of gene delivery, high-throughput screening, metabolic engineering, and plastid-targeting strategies provides a framework for future microalgal engineering efforts.

Sergio Gutierrez Zapata is a microbiologist with expertise in synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, analytical chemistry, and antimicrobial resistance. He focuses on developing innovative, sustainable biotechnology solutions. Sergio is pursuing his Ph.D. in Bioengineering at the Sustainable & Synthetic Biology Group under Prof. Dr. Kyle J. Lauersen's supervision. His research involves optimizing DNA delivery methods for microalgae, expanding genetic engineering toolkits, and designing novel bioproduction approaches for enhanced terpenoid biosynthesis. Previously, Sergio participated in global antimicrobial resistance research and developed diagnostic protocols in Latin America and the USA.

Event Quick Information

24 Jul, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Auditorium between Bldg 2 - 3