Oct 2024
Water-related challenges arising from climate change include a significant reduction of renewable surface water and groundwater resources in most dry subtropical regions, and a deterioration in raw water quality. With dwindling water resources and rapid urban population growth, there is intensifying competition for water demands in the urban environment. These demands include for example, sufficiently addressing the water needs within the various municipalities, establishing urban green landscapes, and for cooling and energy production. Addressing all these needs at the same time is likely to require unprecedented volumes of freshwater that may further exacerbate water scarcity concerns in a region that is already operating at the extremes of water-stress. Here in this seminar, we discuss what are the water-related challenges, the various water sources one can tap into, and their associated pros and cons. I also provide my perspective on how we can address some of the water needs in a more sustainable way.
Dr Peiying Hong is a Professor in the Division of Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering, KAUST. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from National University of Singapore, and her postdoctoral training in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At KAUST, her Environmental Microbial Safety and Biotechnology Lab research group seeks to provide the fundamental science and goal-oriented research underpinning improvements in water health and water management globally. The group identifies critical knowledge gaps and exploits new approaches to deliver novel insights that advance water reuse programs safely and sustainably. The goal of Dr Hong’s research is to continue to push for the reuse of high-quality treated wastewater in water-scarce countries like Saudi Arabia and in a global environment that is increasingly impacted by climate change. Dr Hong is the recipient of 2019 James J. Morgan Environmental Science and Technology Early Career Award, and the named Finalist of the Letten Prize 2023 awarded by the Letten Foundation and the Young Academy of Norway. Her work has been highlighted by various media outlets like the Economist, Wired, Arab News. Since September 2023, she serves as an Associate Editor for Environmental Science and Technology.