Congratulations to our Newly Promoted Faculty

15 May, 2018


Matthew McCabe
Promoted to the rank of Professor
Environmental Science and Engineering

Professor McCabe applies remote sensing to the fields of hydrology, climate change and water security to characterize key earth-system processes that link water and food systems across multiple space and time scales.

Stefan Arold
Promoted to the rank of Professor

Professor Arold uses techniques, such as NMR, X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy, to investigate the three-dimensional structure of biological multicomponent systems and apply computational approaches to understand the impacts of sequence mutations that lead to disease.

Magdy Mahfouz
Promoted to the rank of Associate Professor
Plant Science

Professor Mahfouz uses genome-editing platforms to identify fundamental molecular mechanisms in plants and subsequently apply them to engineer desired traits in crop plants.
Peiying Hong
Promoted to the rank of Associate Professor
Environmental Science and Engineering

Professor Hong focuses on the safe treatment of wastewater against the microbial community, specifically antibiotic-resistant microbes in the water.
Michael Berumen
Promoted to the rank of Professor
Marine Science

Professor Berumen studies the ecology of marine animals and explores the connection among populations in reef ecosystems.