PhD candidate Asma Al-Amoodi awarded Innovators Under 35 MENA for leukemia treatment research

03 April, 2023

Asma Al-Amoodi, a Yemeni PhD candidate in the BESE division of KAUST, has been recognized as one the winners of MIT Technology Review Arabia’s Innovators Under 35 MENA award for her research using hematopoietic stem cells to treat blood diseases, including leukemia. Her work is significant in developing medical and biological sciences knowledge and preventing leukemia recurrence in humans.  

Other KAUST-affiliated winners of the award this year include Asmaa AbdallahWedyan Babatain and Jehad El-Demellawi. Since its inception in 2018, the IU35 award has honored a total of 55 innovators from 15 countries across the MENA region and the United States.

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