How do I know who my advisor is? Can I change my advisor?

​For M.S. students, your advisor when you are admitted to KAUST is the Program Chair. For Ph.D. students, your advisor is your PI (supervisor) whose lab you have been accepted in to. 

Yes, you can change your advisor. M.S. students are advised to do so if/when they begin their thesis or directed research.  Ph.D. students do have the ability to change advisors, but the overall impact to the Ph.D. project, as well as the time left to finish the Ph.D., could be significant.  This will have to be taken into account before approval.

​M.S. students need 36 credits (combination of courses and research is specific to your program). 

Ph.D. students need 6 credits of 300-level coursework and will earn dissertation research credit each semester until they defend (no minimum credits established, although there is a minimum residency requirement of 2.5 years).

​During your final M.S. semester at KAUST, you will be eligible to submit a “rollover” application.  You will be contacted by the Admissions Office for this.  You must have a confirmed supervisor in order for the application to be approved.

​M.S. students get all university holidays (Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha, Spring break).  

Ph.D. students get university holidays and three weeks of annual/vacation leave per calendar year to be taken in agreement with your PI.

​Mandatory, core and elective courses are listed in the program guide. The program guides for all BESE programs can be found here 
​“Time Extension to Complete M.S. Thesis” application request can be submitted by the 9th week of your final Fall semester.  See application for required approvals here .
​No.  Only once during your time here at KAUST.  If “WE Courses” appears on your KAUST transcript, that means you have met this requirement.​
​Yes, both M.S. and Ph.D. in all BESE programs must register, attend, and receive an S grade for the graduate seminar each semester (Spring and Fall, NOT summer).

​Yes. Drop and Add deadlines are on the academic calendar.

​Your GPC can help you request these from the Registrar’s Office, or you can contact them directly at  RegistrarHelpDesk@KAUST.EDU.SA​​ 

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Calotropis procera: A desert plant with a potential to create drought tolerant crops

Second year evaluation for a postdoc Dr. Smet (KAUST Global Fellowship Program)

With global warming, drought is becoming a significant threat to crop production. Climate change is expected to lead to more fluctuations in water availability. Moreover, the reduction of available arable land by soil erosion, degradation, desertification, and salinization is another problem that negatively impacts food production. In a desert environment, plants have evolved their developmental program to survive and thrive with scarce water, low nutrients, and high temperatures. Calotropis procera is a good example illustrating these developmental adaptations. Despite its resilience to desert conditions, mechanisms underlying the developmental adaptations remain largely unknown. Here we propose comprehensive approaches to unravel how the Calotropis procera root system operates to sustain plant growth and survival in the arid environment. First, have determined the root developmental characteristics of this desert species and compared its developmental program under well-watered and drought conditions. Secondly, we have identified potential drought determinants in Calotropis procera through transcriptomics. The newly identified genes will now be tested for their potential to improve drought tolerance in crop species. The outcome of this study will contribute towards sustainable agriculture in desert habitats.

Wouter Smet obtained a joint PhD degree from the Wageningen University and VIB in November 2018 working in the lab of Prof. Bert De Rybel. He also holds an MSc degree from Wageningen University. His PhD project focused on the control of cell division orientation during root vascular development. This was followed by a postdoctoral training in the lab of Prof. Tom Beeckman at VIB, which focused on identifying novel fertilizer additives that could enhance phosphate use efficiency in crop species. His previous research and research collaborations have resulted in several high-impact publications and the filling of three patent applications.


Dr. Wouter Smet