27 May, 2018
An unexpected two-step mechanism occurs when cells copy DNA.
20 May, 2018
Nemo’s genome has been deciphered and made publicly available, helping researchers further investigate fish ecology and evolution.
15 May, 2018
Congratulations to the division's newly promoted faculty: Professor Matthew McCabe (effective 1 July 2018) Professor Stefan Arold (effective 1 July 2018) Professor Magdy Mahfouz (effective 1 July 2018) Professor Peiying Hong (effective 1 July 2018) and Professor Michael Berumen
13 May, 2018
Protein analysis could lead to new advances in DNA sequencing technologies.
11 May, 2018
A fast and safe method to prepare a 3D porous material that mimics the shape of a honeycomb could have broad applications from catalysis to drug delivery or for filtering air to remove pollutants or viruses.
06 May, 2018
Big data shows that large marine vertebrates move differently, but consistently, through coastal and ocean waters.
22 April, 2018
Turbulence and nutrient availability drive changes in Red Sea microbes.
15 April, 2018
A new malaria metabolic model may uncover better ways to treat a highly deadly disease.
25 March, 2018
A grimy layer on wastewater filters could slow the spread of antibiotic resistance.
18 March, 2018
The availability of high-resolution data collected by miniaturized satellites heralds a turning point in Earth and environmental sensing from space.
04 March, 2018
Understanding how bacteria help convert glacier bedrock into soil could help address desertification.
25 February, 2018
Corals living in highly saline waters may be more tolerant to rising water temperatures.
18 February, 2018
Seagrass meadows play a pivotal role in protecting coasts against rising sea levels.
11 February, 2018
Safety assurance is the first step in bringing valuable wastewater into use, says Peiying Hong.
28 January, 2018
A comparison of the genomes of two species of coral demonstrates unexpected genetic diversity.
21 January, 2018
The protein CD34 is predominantly regarded as a marker of blood-forming stem cells but it helps with migration to the bone marrow too.
14 January, 2018
Genomes of single microbial cells isolated from the Red Sea could yield a goldmine for biotechnology.
07 January, 2018
The Red Sea has relatively low amounts of floating plastic debris in its surface waters due to fewer sources or faster removal.
24 December, 2017
Jumping genes could make an alga, and its coral host, more tolerant to warming sea temperatures.
19 November, 2017
Pierre Magistretti, Distinguished Professor of Bioscience and Dean of the Biological and Environmental Science Division, talks to us on Facebook Live about how he first became interested in the brain and reflects on more than 30 years of experience in the field of brain energy metabolism.