03 June, 2018

Solar energy tapped for clean water

A 3D solar-steam generator design squeezes every last drop of energy from sunlight to produce fresh water.

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27 May, 2018

Italian Red Sea Research Event in Jeddah

On 14 May Professor Daniele Daffonchio of KAUST Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division and the Red Sea Research Center presented his research alongside Professors from two Italian Universities at the Italian Cultural Centre in Jeddah to a diverse local and international audience.

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27 May, 2018

Synchronized swimming for seal migrations

Adding sound to elephant seal migration data reveals high levels of coordination when swimming long distances.

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27 May, 2018

The long and the short of DNA replication

An unexpected two-step mechanism occurs when cells copy DNA.

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20 May, 2018

Finding Nemo’s genes: reef fish genome mapped and shared

Nemo’s genome has been deciphered and made publicly available, helping researchers further investigate fish ecology and evolution.

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15 May, 2018

Congratulations to our Newly Promoted Faculty

Congratulations to the division's newly promoted faculty: Professor Matthew McCabe (effective 1 July 2018) Professor Stefan Arold (effective 1 July 2018) Professor Magdy Mahfouz (effective 1 July 2018) Professor Peiying Hong (effective 1 July 2018) and Professor Michael Berumen

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13 May, 2018

Enzyme adopts dynamic structure to function in hot, salty sea

Protein analysis could lead to new advances in DNA sequencing technologies.

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11 May, 2018

Mimicking a sweet solution to mop up pollution

A fast and safe method to prepare a 3D porous material that mimics the shape of a honeycomb could have broad applications from catalysis to drug delivery or for filtering air to remove pollutants or viruses.

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06 May, 2018

Mapping movements of ocean creatures great and small

Big data shows that large marine vertebrates move differently, but consistently, through coastal and ocean waters.

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22 April, 2018

Microbial communities have a seasonal shake-up

Turbulence and nutrient availability drive changes in Red Sea microbes.

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15 April, 2018

Computer models combat malaria

A new malaria metabolic model may uncover better ways to treat a highly deadly disease.

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25 March, 2018

Grime does pay when it comes to wastewater filters

A grimy layer on wastewater filters could slow the spread of antibiotic resistance.

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18 March, 2018

New eyes in the skies

The availability of high-resolution data collected by miniaturized satellites heralds a turning point in Earth and environmental sensing from space.

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04 March, 2018

Glaciers provide clues to combat desertification

Understanding how bacteria help convert glacier bedrock into soil could help address desertification.

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25 February, 2018

High salinity protects corals from heat stress

Corals living in highly saline waters may be more tolerant to rising water temperatures.

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18 February, 2018

Giving seagrass its due

Seagrass meadows play a pivotal role in protecting coasts against rising sea levels.

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11 February, 2018

Wiser ways with water

Safety assurance is the first step in bringing valuable wastewater into use, says Peiying Hong.

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28 January, 2018

Coral lifestyles reflected in their genes

A comparison of the genomes of two species of coral demonstrates unexpected genetic diversity.

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21 January, 2018

Not just a stem cell marker

The protein CD34 is predominantly regarded as a marker of blood-forming stem cells but it helps with migration to the bone marrow too.

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14 January, 2018

Enzyme from briny deep resurrected in the lab

Genomes of single microbial cells isolated from the Red Sea could yield a goldmine for biotechnology.

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